Considerations When Negotiating a Resolution
Set out below are some key considerations to utilise when negotiating and trying to resolve a dispute.
Set out below are some key considerations to utilise when negotiating and trying to resolve a dispute.
Check out the top modes of transport and how prevalent they are.
Did you know that in 2022 almost 30% of all Australian businesses with a registered trade mark were in Victoria?
The Australian Taxation Office has warned content creators that they need to be aware of their income tax and GST obligations.
Continuing its theme of closing the tax gap of individuals for budget repair, the ATO has notified the public of the extension of an existing data-matching program on ride-sourcing.
The ATO has provided some insights to the areas it will be focusing on consisting of rental property deductions, work-related expenses, and capital gains tax.
Fewer taxpayers have raced to file an early return and the total paid out in refunds is already down by $1.7 billion.
UPDATED: This budget measure waives fines for late lodgment of income, BAS and FBT returns due during the pandemic.
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