What are the government’s intentions with negative gearing?
Both the Treasurer and the Prime Minister have confirmed that Treasury is exploring changes to the contentious policy.
Both the Treasurer and the Prime Minister have confirmed that Treasury is exploring changes to the contentious policy.
The draft legislation aims to modernise the luxury car tax by tightening the definition of a fuel-efficient vehicle and adjusting the indexation rate.
The government has released further details about the design of its payday super policy including an updated super guarantee charge framework.
If you manage a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF), recent changes to tax rules for certain fund expenses may affect you and the fund.
Recent results from the data-matching program identified issues around the reporting of rental income and claims for capital works and depreciating assets.
The seven-day payment window and closure of the ATO’s clearing house are expected to disproportionately impact smaller employers.
Part 1 examines the key characteristics of a sound SMSF succession plan including planning for control of the fund to pass into trusted hands in the event of a member’s death or loss of capacity.
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